عرض جميع النتائج 3

عرض الشريط الجانبي

2in1 Cordless Water Filtration Stick VC5

Italian industry featuring exceptional floor to cleining cleaining with a hassle free bag less filter system its the ideal tool for all your quicl clean up jobs



Breathe fresh air with a Euroflex device to purify the air of allergens, dust, bacteria and other

pollutants to capture the most particulate matter suspended in the air


In a few seconds with the sterilizer
  • It is a multi-purpose steam cleaner
  • Lightweight fit
  • For all surfaces such as floors and carpets
  • As well as bathrooms and kitchens
  • Where the vapor pressure leads
  • Hot to more than 130 degrees Celsius To melt away dirt and stains
  • Cooking oils and greases
  • Smells and pollutants Without the need for any chemicals
  • The windows and mirrors also leave shiny
  • It leaves no traces of tissues and fibers
  • Behind it as it happens in the traditional way
The sterilizer Vapor M6 from Euroflex Certified 2 years ago From the National Asthma Board of Australia As a reliable, highly efficient business product Arduous household sterilization and disinfection.